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Safe Spaces, Safe Places: Creating Welcoming and Inclusive Environments for Traumatized LGBTQ Youth

National Child Traumatic Stress Network

Keywords: Best Practices; Child Welfare; Juvenile Justice; Resources for Providers; Training; Trauma 

Historically, professionals have failed to recognize and meet the needs of traumatized LGBTQ youth, leading to poor engagement, ineffective treatment and in some cases, perpetuating the youth’s traumatic experiences. To ensure that these youth receive the care they deserve, providers need resources to create safe spaces and familiarize themselves with the issues facing traumatized LGBTQ youth. 

This 25-minute video helps professionals learn about the impact of trauma on LGBTQ youth; how bias impedes optimal care, and practical steps for creating safe and welcoming environments for traumatized LGBTQ youth. The video features five LGBTQ youth and National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) professionals. Youth describe how trauma and bias have impacted their ability to feel safe when seeking services. Presenters discuss specific steps that professionals and organizations can take to create safer and more welcoming environments for traumatized LGBTQ youth. [Summary from resource.] 

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Safe Spaces, Safe Places: Creating Welcoming and Inclusive Environments for Traumatized LGBTQ Youth