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Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, & Expression Affirming Key Principles

Family Builders

Keywords: Best Practices; Child Welfare; Fundamentals; Resources for Providers 

This one-page tip sheet outlines some basic principles for working with LGBTQ+ and Gender Expansive children and youth.  

These include:  

  • The increased risks faced by LGBTQ+ and gender expansive youth are not inherent to their identities, but stem from the stresses of prejudice, discrimination, rejection, and mistreatment. 
  • A child who is being abused because of their sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or gender expression (SOGIE) may not feel comfortable “coming out” to you. Be patient and help them feel affirmed. 
  • Never “out” a child/youth. If SOGIE needs to be discussed with others, ask the child’s permission to discuss their SOGIE. [Summary adapted from resource.] 

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Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, & Expression Affirming Key Principles