The Institute for Innovation & Implementation, University of Maryland School of Social Work
Keywords: Best Practices; Child Welfare; Data Collection; Training
This Implementation Guide presents the lessons learned from implementing the “Asking About SOGIE (AAS)” Pilot with youth in Michigan’s foster care system and provides recommendations for other agencies seeking to replicate the model for the children, youth, and families they support. There are two pieces to the implementation of the AAS pilot: 1) Setting up data fields within the existing data collection portal of the Michigan Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System (MiSACWIS) so that the SOGIE data could be entered; and 2) Training child welfare workers to ask youth about their SOGIE.
This Implementation Guide provides information about both pieces described above. Also see this accompanying graphic: Rollout of Data Collection on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. [Summary adapted from resource.]
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System-Wide SOGIE Data Collection with Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Detroit, MI.