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Transgender Youth, Challenges, Responses, and the Juvenile Justice System: A Systematic Literature Review of an Emerging Literature

Youth Justice

Jennifer Watson; India Bryce; Tania M. Phillips; Tait Sanders; Annette Brömdal

Keywords: Juvenile Justice; Research; Transgender Youth; Youth Experiences

This systematic literature review synthesizes available empirical studies exploring the challenges experienced by transgender youth within juvenile justice contexts and systems responses to them. Transgender youth whose experiences were shared in these studies described that overall, they did not receive access to adequate, continued health care, gender-considered housing, and were subjected to detention rules written for cisgender incarcerated youth. To provide for this unique and vulnerable population, transgender-specific policies must be enacted across juvenile justice systems. [Summary adapted from resource.]

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Transgender Youth, Challenges, Responses, and the Juvenile Justice System: A Systematic Literature Review of an Emerging Literature